I woke up the other day with a thought in my mind about a specific Bible passage. It was the account of Jesus reviewing the law. It’s popularly known as ‘the Sermon on the Mount’, and these verses in particular: 21 "You have heard that the ancients were told, 'YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT MURDER ' … Continue reading FOOL!

Election Sermon

Election Sermon Lately we have been reading books written about American colonial religion. These books are based on the primary source literature that is extant today from that era (15th-18th centuries AD). All of the resources acknowledge that American colonial religion consisted of various ‘versions’ of Christianity. They did not concern themselves with any other … Continue reading Election Sermon


This blog was inspired by this year's Passover observance. On Passover I woke up in the morning with the word REMEMBER floating around in my head. So that’s what this blog is about. In other words, we observe Passover to MEMORIALIZE GOD’S REDEMPTION OF HUMANITY BY JESUS’ DEATH WHICH PROCURED THE NEW COVENANT. However, the … Continue reading Remember