Election Sermon

Election Sermon

Lately we have been reading books written about American colonial religion. These books are based on the primary source literature that is extant today from that era (15th-18th centuries AD). All of the resources acknowledge that American colonial religion consisted of various ‘versions’ of Christianity. They did not concern themselves with any other religion because they were not part of the colonial polity. The fact is, most of the Christians migrated here from greater Europe, the British Isles, etc. And they came here to escape persecution that was perpetrated against them by the state religious establishment. In other words, the state persecuted their own people for believing different ‘theology’ than was propagated by the state. I won’t get into any of that here. But suffice to say that the background of this blog is the historical setting within which the American colonies came into existence. And that setting was a hatred of state religion that was backed by the moral corruption that was instituted by the state’s COMMERCE social machinery.

So, the contents of this blog are not my words. Instead, they are the words of the Harvard VP who had something of import to say to the graduates of his time. The reason I decided to post this ELECTION SERMON from the 17th century is to give you a STANDARD OF MEASURE against which to JUDGE those who run for public office today in the USA at all levels of government.


See you in the next blog.

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