Double Honor (Rev. 2)

This past Sabbath during our readings we ran across the NT phrase “DOUBLE HONOR”. I learned in Babble college that means SHOW RESPECT and PAY MONEY. Is that correct? Let’s take a look at what the ‘authorities’ have to say and see if we can find historical evidence to substantiate what it really means. Here’s the verse from the Apostle Paul’s letter to Timothy:

The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. (1 Timothy 5:17)

Here’s what TDNT’s J. Schneider has to say in Vol. VIII (perspective is Greek/LXX basis for NT):

TDNT 176-7 - TIMAO

OK then, looks like we didn’t get much out of that. Can’t settle on the truth? Not enough facts? Probably! Do enough facts exist? Probably NOT!

ISBE’s D.F. Morgan had nothing of value to contribute either (perspective is Evangelical Christian theology). The sad thing is, if these CHRISTIAN SCHOLARS are incapable of defining HONOR in practical terms, then it must mean they have NO IDEA what it means OR how to do it. And these guys are supposed to be the backbone of theologians, who are supposed to be the backbone of church leaders, who are supposed to be teaching the common man how to LIVE so that God will be happy with them. How sad!

Here’s a statement from their encyclopedia entry, HONOR, that pretty much sums up their psycho-babble:

Though a study of honor in its many biblical occurrences will necessarily concentrate upon the human being, it must be remembered that a biblical anthropology begins and ends with theological assumptions.

Good try, but … NOOOOT! Instead try this: ‘It must be remembered that biblical anthropology begins and ends with the Biblical text and RELEVANT HISTORICAL FACTS.’ So, looks like we didn’t get anything out of this wordsmith either!

Here’s what Schurer has to say (perspective is Greek basis of NT):

Schurer, V3, p122

‘Now we’re cooking!’ There’s a Greek word in the footnote that gives us a hint about the meaning of The Greek phrase DIPLOOS TIMÆ (DOUBLE HONOR) in Paul’s letter to Timothy. That phrase is:
Jewish two drachma tax
Transliterated it is “TIMÆ DENARION DUO IOUDAION”. Literally translated it is “HONOR DERNIUS TWO JEWISH”, or JEWISH TWO DENARIUS TAX. It’s the Temple POLL TAX, which we discussed briefly in a previous blog. Note that the Greek word for TAX is TIMÆ, or in English, HONOR. In other words, the Greek word for HONOR also means TAX, depending on the CONTEXT. It also means other kinds of COMPENSATION, such as that resulting from litigation or fines for rule-breaking.

Why in the world would the Greek word HONOR refer to MONEY? Beats me! My American parents taught me that HONOR means ‘SHOW RESPECT TO AUTHORITY’. They taught me that SHOWING RESPECT means BEING POLITE and SHOWING DEFERENCE (in other words, shut up and listen, and do what they say!). So, the Greek word HONOR, when interpreted in the MODERN SENSE helps us make sense of ONE PART of Paul’s phrase. But, it does nothing to help us figure out the rest of what Paul’s talking about. Per the above HISTORICAL PHRASE, the Greek word HONOR connects us to MONEY as well, which MAY be part of what Paul’s talking about. Since the college profs taught us CHURCH TRADITION instead of HISTORICAL FACT, we really can’t rely on what they had to say, because it may have merely been their own PERSONAL OPINION (like mine here in this blog!).

Let’s consider it a FACT that HONOR is a TAX, or a PAYMENT OF MONEY. Now we can use our COMMON SENSE and infer that, at the very least, the other part of DOUBLE HONOR involved PAYING A TAX, or otherwise MAKING A PAYMENT to the leadership. Let’s face it, IN REAL LIFE all PUBLIC OFFICIALS receive TAX MONIES to live on (at least that’s the theory!). And they use LAW ENFORCEMENT to coerce you into OBEYING them (including paying those pesky taxes)! Yet, in Paul’s churches, the paying was VOLUNTARY. Actually, it was mandatory in a way, since “love of the brethren” involved helping those in need. This is a big subject related to PERSECUTION BY GOVERNMENT and the way RICH FOLK use their money, AND the way GOD REQUIRES rich folk to use their money, which is the subject of another blog. Anyway, notice that human government BEATS the money out of you, whereas the Apostles REQUEST and ADMONISH the money out of you. Either way, they BOTH need that MONEY to SUPPORT the guys in LEADERSHIP!

So based on COMMON SENSE, we can conclude that ‘CHURCH ELDERS’ are LEADERS (“shepherds” of your “soul”), and the FIRST HONOR you pay them is RESPECT, as shown by your COOPERATIVE OBEDIENCE to their direction in the community. The SECOND HONOR you pay them is giving YOUR MONEY to them for their FINANCIAL SUPPORT, so they can dedicate themselves to serving the community, of which you’re a part. Not too difficult to understand, right?

Leaving aside COMMON SENSE for a moment, let’s see if we can get some MATERIAL EVIDENCE to substantiate the meaning of DOUBLE HONOR. Let’s first consult Liddell, Scott & Jones’ Greek LEXICON:

Liddell & Scott - p1793-4 - TIMAE

You can see above the categories of meaning for the Greek word HONOR:
I. worship, esteem, honor … etc.
II. of things, worth, value, price … etc.
III. compensation, satisfaction, penalty.
However, there’s NO DIRECT EVIDENCE for the Apostle Paul’s statement. But, there sure is an affirmation in category III of our idea of COMPENSATION. So we at least have a corroboration of the idea we found in Schurer. However, we didn’t find ANY specific reference to the NT texts, nor to Paul in particular. So this didn’t give us anything substantial in terms of EVIDENCE. We can consider all the EVIDENCE thus far CIRCUMSTANTIAL based on COMMON SENSE reasoning regarding REALITY.

I wonder what the RABBIS have to say about DOUBLE HONOR? Is that phrase found in their writings? Not quite sure, because I haven’t b een able to find anything on the subject with my limited access to rabbinic resources. But if it’s in there, I’m betting that’s where Paul got his phrase from. If not, then that is all I have to say on the matter.

However, evidence may exist in ‘Jewish literature’ that addresses this very subject, albeit in different terms. I found this information in a paper from a NT scholar who works at Hebrew University. His name is Serge Ruzer. His studies focus on:

Palestinian Jewish traditions found in rabbinic sources. The later provenance of these sources constitutes an obvious problem when they are invoked as possible “background” to New Testament materials. In light of this difficulty, it is the opposite track—namely, the study of the Epistle of James as a possible early witness for certain Jewish tendencies further developed in later rabbinic Judaism—that may hold promise. (The Epistle of James as a Witness to Broader Patterns of Jewish Exegetical Discourse, JJMJS No. 1 (2014): 69–98)

So this scholar is using the NT as a possible basis for later rabbinic developments on the subjects mentioned in the NT. Below is a rabbinic text that relates to this subject. Note the wording. As an aside, although these texts affirm Paul’s ideas on the subject, I have to say it all sounds so much like FREELOADING! I won’t get into that subject in this blog, but it really should be addressed at some point, since it’s such a big problem today throughout Christianity, social groups, and human government. It seems like everybody has discovered the secret that Frederick Bastiat calls LEGAL PLUNDER. They all gravitate to the world of WORDS to make a living on the industry and production of others. I call these kinds of people SOCIAL PARASITES because they provide nothing substantial to society. In fact, they most times provide everything bad for society! Like I said, another subject for another blog.

R. Nehunia b. Hakannah said: whoever takes upon himself the yoke of the Torah ( עול התורה ), the yoke of the [imperial, secular] kingdom ( עול מלכות ) is removed from him, as well as the yoke of everyday concerns/earning a living ( עול דרך ארץ). But whoever breaks off from himself the yoke of the Torah, the yoke of the [imperial, secular] kingdom is placed upon him, as well as the yoke of everyday concerns. (Avot 3:5) 44

fn44: English translations of rabbinic material are my own unless otherwise specified.

In any case, the point of the below quotes is to show you the terminus on this subject post NT era. And these quotes could likely be proof of a preceding legal phenomena that existed even before Jesus and his Apostles walked streets of Jerusalem. They may have just made their summary statements to remind their readers of the basis of their NT rulings on the subject.

In the final analysis, we didn’t find any DIRECT EVIDENCE to prove the idea that the Apostle Paul’s DOUBLE HONOR has TWO ELEMENTS:
2. PAYING MONEY to the leader.

BUT, based on COMMON SENSE, I can’t imagine it means anything else, since REALITY is the same whether in HUMAN government or GOD’s government (the apostolic church). Also, there are two related ideas that give support to the idea of PAYING MONEY TO LEADERS, which we find in the NT:
1. HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER = Taking care of one’s parents in their old age,

  1. I briefly discussed this in a previous blog on the 10 Commandments. Essentially, HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER has to do with TAKING CARE OF THEM WHEN THEY GET TOO OLD TO WORK. We find that in the NT and in the rabbis. Here’s what Jesus says about it in Mark 7 (par., Matthew 15):

5 The Pharisees and the scribes asked Him, “Why do Your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat their bread with impure hands?” 6 And He said to them, “Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written:

This people honors Me with their lips,
But their heart is far away from Me.
7 ‘But in vain do they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.

8 Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men.”

9 He was also saying to them, “You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition. 10 For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who speaks evil of father or mother, is to be put to death’; 11 but you say, ‘If a man says to his father or his mother, whatever I have that would help you is Corban (that is to say, given to God),’ 12 you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or his mother; 13 thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that.”

(viz., Moore, Vol. II, pages 131-134; Schurer, Vol. II, page 486)

The point Jesus was making is, ANY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE that would be used for one’s parents is NEGATED by GIVING THE MONEY TO THE GOVERNMENT in the form of TAXES (“CORBAN” is a VOLUNTARY GIFT TAX). The point here is, HONOR = GIVE FINANCIAL SUPPORT.

2. Let’s return to our thesis text in 1 Timothy 5 to find the connection between DOUBLE HONOR and MUZZLING THE OX:

17 The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. 18 For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing,” and “The laborer is worthy of his wages.” (1 Timothy 5)

This one’s a no-brainer, when you look at the context. Actually, I feel like I wasted my time writing this blog, because the ANSWER to my inquiry is found RIGHT THERE in the CONTEXT of our thesis text! Be that as it may, it would have been nice to find some rabbinic text that matches Paul’s words, so we could see what the ancients had to say by way of AMPLIFICATION of the idea we’re investigating in this blog.

Anyway, it should be OBVIOUS to anybody who reads the above 2 verses that DOUBLE HONOR has everything to do with GETTING PAID FOR LEADING in the congregation (as well as OBEYING them). If you’re not getting it, let me quote the part of the verse that says what I’m talking about, “The laborer is worthy of his WAGES.” So, that pretty much settles the matter from the COMMON SENSE and HERMENEUTICAL viewpoints, don’t you think?

[Incidentally, David Brewer wrote a very nice piece on the rabbinic historical background of “do not muzzle the ox“.]

NOW, I would like to add this WORD OF CAUTION to the above proposition about PAYING LEADERS: MAKE SURE THE LEADER YOU PAY MONEY TO ACQUIRED HIS OFFICE VIA DIRECT APPOINTMENT BY GOD, OR BY SOMEONE WHOM GOD DIRECTLY APPOINTED! Otherwise, you’ll be supporting HUMAN GOVERNMENT instead of GOD’s government! Remember that we briefly discussed qualifications for leadership in a previous blog. So if you read that, you’ll know what I’m talking about here.

If the above proposition about PAYING LEADERS and RESPECTFULLY OBEYING them is true, then I guess we can say that my Babble college profs were right! Too bad they didn’t tell me the HISTORICAL FACTS they based their ideas on. No worries, because I used my COMMON SENSE to figure it out!

See you in the next blog …

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