The Journey Begins


This blog presents thoughts about the meaning of the Bible text based on my weekly Sabbath studies and things I learned along the way in life. These studies aim at digging-up the historical facts related to the words and realities presented by the various Biblical writers.

The objective is to rely on scholarly authority when needed, and appeal to reason and common sense. The goal is to get into the writers’ heads to understand their message more accurately.

My audience is anybody who wants to know the Bible’s message. One’s level of Christian religious knowledge is irrelevant. But a familiarity with the Bible is better than none. Church people who want to ‘think outside the box’ may find this blog of value. People who know the Bible well and want to read someone else’s viewpoint may find this blog interesting. Close-minded church people will NOT like this blog, nor will most Christian religious ministers or college and seminary professors.

All ideas and conclusions are my own unless credit is given otherwise.

If anybody has any better historical data than I present, please make contact and share it. If your data seems realistic and reasonable to me, your contribution will be added and credit given to you. Please, no theology!

We hope you enjoy your visit and get something of value out of the words in these studies.

Peace to you!

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