Love: Introduction

What is LOVE in the Bible?

Popular culture thinks they know what GOD’s LOVE is, but they really don’t. They’ve reduced it to a nebulous sort of feeling that everybody who’s ’emotionally attuned’ can relate to. Church goers also ‘believe’ they know what GOD’S LOVE is, but apparently their ‘daddy’ (minister/pastor/priest) has failed to teach them what the Bible MEANS on the subject. They do teach them what the Bible SAYS, but it’s another case of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. I know this from personal experience.

It’s sad that few people today know what GOD’s LOVE is. That carries over to “the love of Christ”. When people associate “love” with Jesus they think “gentle Jesus, meek and mild” and all that wishy-washy stuff. But that’s not an accurate representation of Christ’s love either. There’s a lotta misconception in the world today about what GOD’s LOVE and CHRIST’s LOVE are. This blog topic will discuss love from a Biblical perspective.

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