Constantinian vs Biblical Living

In last blog we saw that most Christians are CONSTANTINIAN Christians (who follow the state) instead of TRUE Christians (who follow the Bible). In this blog I’ll setup some comparisons so you can see what I mean. One thing I want you to get from this blog is, HOW WELL ENGINEERED THE BRAINWASHING IS that created nearly one and a half MILLENNIA of BAD (Christian) RELIGION! By BAD RELIGION I mean living in a way that not only IGNORES God, but also will one Day make Him MAD at you. There’s two sayings in the Bible that summarize the subjects involved:

And He [Jesus] said to them, “Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors Me WITH THEIR LIPS, But their heart is far away from Me. (Mark 7:6)

For the kingdom of God does not consist in WORDS but in power. (1 Corinthians 4:20)

WHO is RESPONSIBLE for this OUTRAGE? WHO engineered it? WHO implemented it? WHO perpetuates it? WHO eliminates all opposition to it? WHY is “true religion” (James 1:17) suppressed? Don’t you wanna to know? Is there a REMEDY?


The first example of BAD RELIGION is the holidays that Christians celebrate. The majority of them celebrate Christmas and Easter. But ‘devout’ religionists CELEBRATE many other holidays, but it depends on the particular SCHISM (aka, DENOMINATION). To discover which other holidays a Christian will observe, you have to read their ANNUAL LITURGY. I promise, you will NOT find ANY of those holidays COMMANDED in the Bible. In contrast, the Bible commands observance of SEVEN specific annual Holy Days:
1. Passover (Heb: Pesach)
2. Unleavened Bread (aka, Pesach)
3. Weeks (Heb: Shavuot)
4. Trumpets (Heb: Yom Teruah)
5. Atonement (Heb: Yom Kippur)
6. Tabernacles (Heb: Succot)
7. Last Great Day (Heb: Yom Gadol)

BUT! (some would argue), THOSE ARE JEWISH HOLIDAYS!!! Not really!!! They’re Biblical Holy Day OBSERVANCES which God COMMANDED that his people OBEY. You may find those commandments in the Old Testament, but you will also find that JESUS AND HIS APOSTLES OBSERVED THEM. Huh?!? Yup, that’s right, Jesus and his Apostles, AND THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH, observed the Biblical holy days. And as we saw in a previous blog, it’s more than likely that when Jesus establishes God’s KINGDOM on earth, he’s going to require ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD to observe them. After all, they’re MEMORIALS of God’s WORKS. Besides that, the “church” didn’t begin ‘celebrating’ the NON-BIBLICAL holidays until after the Apostles died off, which meant that there was nobody of primary authority to hold ‘the church’ accountable for their REBELLION AGAINST GOD’S COMMANDMENTS. This is Bible fact and history folks, not my opinion.

But WHERE did those other holidays originate? I’ll leave that up to your reading and research. There’s plenty of people who’ve written good books on the subject. But be WARNED, it’s not all FACT-BASED. So make sure you GET THE FACTS when you do this study, so you can be sure you have HISTORICAL PROOF of the originals of Christmas, Easter and all that. Then YOU DECIDE FOR YOURSELF what God wants and what you should do. GET ALL THE FACTS AND THEN THINK FOR YOURSELF. That’s what God wants first and foremost. He certainly doesn’t want STUPID CHILDREN in his Kingdom!


The next example of BAD RELIGION is FOOD. They call it FELLOWSHIP. Anyways, when I was in the ‘church’, they had this practice called POT LUCK. No, it’s not marijuana + wishful thinking. It’s the FOOD they eat. I won’t tell you what I call it, because it’ll make you blush. But suffice to say GOD’S LAW PROHIBITS MOST OF WHAT THE CHURCH PEOPLE EAT! Mostly you find the prohibitions in the INGREDIENTS they use in their recipes. Here’s a few examples: pork, shellfish (oh, how they luv their shellfish!), GMO ‘foods’ (a huge political topic for another discussion), chemicals (processed foods with chemical additives), BLOOD (yup, ever hear of blood pudding, for example?), etc. I remember when I went to Bible college how the profs and admins (bureaucrats) gave me grief when I tried talking about DIETARY LAWS in the Bible and ‘good eating’. They were so EMOTIONAL about it, that they threatened to revoke my B.S. degree if I didn’t shut up about it! Ever try to get someone to change their eating habits? That ought to give you an idea of how ENSCONCED the church people are in their eating habits, and how difficult it would be to convince them to OBEY GOD’S LAW in the area of EATING.

In contrast, God provides SPECIFIC LAWS on the FOODS He permits His people to eat. Except for fowl, the rules are VERY SIMPLE! Check it out by reading LEVITICUS 11. Another area of UNCLEAN FOODS is GMO foods. They’re UNCLEAN because they have INGREDIENTS that are derived from PROHIBITED foods. The world’s top rabbinic law-making authority in today’s Jerusalem PERMITS such foods, b/c THEY SAY the QUANTITY of the ingredients is SO INFINITESIMAL, that it makes no difference. LOL! Is THAT ‘scientific’? LOL! But the FACT remains, that EVERYTHING on earth has what’s called a “Q-Frequency”. That frequency is determined by the INGREDIENTS and SYSTEMS that comprise it. So that means, when you CHANGE THE GENOME (GMO foods) of a living being, the FREQUENCY CHANGES, because the ‘BLUEPRINT’ for that organism CHANGED at it’s DESIGN LEVEL. Therefore, the original organism has a DIFFERENT FREQUENCY than the new ‘FRANKENFOOD’, if it can even be considered a ‘food’. So, FROM A SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE, THE RABBIS ARE WRONG! And that makes their LAW a REBELLION AGAINST GOD. Sound like any other PUBLIC OFFICIALS you know or have heard about in the news?


Another area of life where we see BAD RELIGION is in MARRIAGE and the FAMILY. For example: Today’s church allows FORNICATION (sex before marriage), ADULTERY (multiple divorces), and HOMOSEXUAL ‘relationships’ and ‘marriages’, to name a few. The key here is recognizing that today’s church is MARRIED TO THE STATE. The crux of the matter is, the church OBEYS STATE TAX LAWS so they can be TAX EXEMPT. The effect of that is, today’s churches here in America are loath to SPEAK OUT AGAINST government perpetrated evils for fear of reprisal. AND, not only do they fear government, but they also fear their BENEFACTORS. So effectively, today’s churches are SERVING MAN NOT GOD. Not only that, but marriages are LICENSED by the state. A LICENSED ACTIVITY IS A STATE-CREATED PRIVILEGED ACTIVITY. But isn’t marriage a God-given RIGHT? Yup, but that’s a whole other political discussion. Effectively, when you get a state marriage license, you have ASKED THE STATE’S PERMISSION to get married, as well as AGREED TO BE BOUND BY THE STATE’S MARRIAGE LAWS AND PENALTIES. That means GOD is not the boss of your marriage, but instead, the STATE is. This too is a long discussion for another blog. So, today’s church obeys state laws in every way, as well as contemporary IMMORAL sexual practices, instead of steadfastly obeying God’s laws of marriage and sexuality.

Then there’s the way the FAMILY is kept here in America. One of the most fundamental aspects of the family is EDUCATION. Today’s education in America is based on the CORPORATIONS. Do some reading and research on this, and you’ll find I’m telling the truth. As you may know, the corporations were created by the European monarchs to exploit the natural resources of the foreign worlds and insulate themselves from ACCOUNTABILITY. Today, the corporations are SLAVE COLONIES that exploit America’s working class LABOR. Same purpose, different venue. Effectively, when you send your kid to a PUBLIC SCHOOL (a corporate school), you’re agreeing to let the STATE train your kids in the SKILLS that the CORPORATIONS want for running their exploitation enterprises. They do NOT teach MORALS (God’s Law). In fact, they PROHIBIT IT BY LAW!

In contrast, God expressly commands FATHERS to teach their children HIS LAW. You find that both in the OT and NT. Here, read it for yourself:

These words [God’s Law], which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. (Deuteronomy 6:6)

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4)

Compare that with what goes on today in corporate America. Then ask yourself IF you know God’s laws, and IF you taught them to your children while they were growing up. Then ask yourself IF they’re still obeying those laws as adults. If not, it may not be your fault directly, but it may be your fault indirectly. I say indirectly because their departing from God’s law may be a direct result of their SCHOOLING at the institutions of HIGHER EDUCATION, or it may be a simple result of FOLLOWING SOCIETY in order to not have to struggle against the flow of a society that has not only rejected obeying God’s laws, but also DOES THE OPPOSITE! Try observing Sabbath in a society that requires its employees to do SHIFT WORK, for example. ‘Nuf said!


Another example of BAD RELIGION is seen in BUSINESS. Let’s start out by noting that MONEY and BANKING lie at the heart of BUSINESS. This subject, and the MORAL WICKEDNESS that drives it, is so gigantic, that I’m not going to get into it here. Suffice at present to see two prime examples of LAWLESSNESS IN BUSINESS:
1. MONEY, and

Briefly, MODERN MONEY = FRAUD + THEFT. Huh?!? Yup, that’s right. Modern money is a complete and total violation of God’s commandment (see below). Modern money is part of a banking system called FRACTIONAL RESERVES BANKING. This system has NO ASSETS. The only appreciable asset that I can see is YOUR SIGNATURE. Your signature is THE asset because this banking system counts on your PRODUCTION VALUE. In other words, they count on you paying off the DEBT you SIGNED-OFF ON when you got your loan or when you bought something with their checks or debit cards, or when you opened a bank account to deposit your ‘hard earned money’ in (which Terms and Agreement requires you to let the bank own your money!). If you want to know more about this, there’s plenty of exposes online that’ll help you understand it. There’s way too much involved for me to explain it here. Suffice to say it’s all based on TALMUDIC LAW (the Talmudic mortgage applied to money lending and adapted to non-Jewish societies, and backed by law enforcement violence – all of which is based on a violation of God’s law prohibiting CHARGING INTEREST). I talk about that in another blog.

In contrast, GOD’S LAW requires JUST WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. God considers a violation of this law an ABOMINATION (that’s the worst kind of condemnation in the Bible!). Huh? What’s “weights and measures” got to do with fiat money banking? Simple, it has to do with the VALUE of COIN AND CURRENCY. You see, when America was founded, the ‘founders’ MANDATED the use of COIN AND CURRENCY. They HATED and PROHIBITED the use of what they called PAPER MONEY. The reasons are obvious to anybody who knows the subject, and has experienced the detriments of PAPER MONEY as a national economic system. And note: COIN AND CURRENCY is also known as PRECIOUS METALS currency.

I personally experienced the detriments of PAPER MONEY back in the 80’s when I lived over in Israel. Back then, INFLATION was 5000%! I was ‘lucky’ enough to experience a CURRENCY REVISION where I got to see the nation Israel REVAMP the VALUE of the coin and currency. They abolished all the coins and resorted to establishing the only PAPER MONEY. At the beginning, the lowest PAPER MONEY UNIT was a 5 Shekel ‘bill’ (like a ‘5 dollar bill’, which is really not a ‘bill’, nor is it a promissory note!). INFLATION was so bad in ’83-’84 that the U.S. ‘dollar’ jumped in value so much, that I could trade U.S. ‘dollars’ for anything I wanted at a drastically reduced price, b/c the shop keepers KNEW the ‘dollars’ they were receiving would be worth much more in the near future! Receiving ‘dollars’ in payment in Israel was an INVESTMENT! So, I didn’t need to do CURRENCY EXCHANGE, unless I was going to the government or a corporate business.

Now, a nation that uses PRECIOUS METALS COIN AND CURRENCY establishes LAWS which specify the FINENESS of the precious metals, the SHAPE of the coins and the WEIGHT of the coins (I talk about this in another blog). Those three facts are of critical importance to this subject. Each particular weight is known as a DENOMINATION. So, God’s law of JUST WEIGHTS applies to PRECIOUS METAL COINS. And when those coins are changed in any way which violates the JUST WEIGHTS laws (fineness, shape and weight), the people doing such things, as well as the nation who permits it, are DISOBEYING God. In fact, America’s original Congressional Act for Coin and Currency (1792) applied the DEATH PENALTY to anybody working in the Treasury who DEBASED the coin and currency!

In fractional reserves banking, precious metal coins are ALTERED so as to have a REDUCED FINENESS of precious metals (they add copper, nickle, tin, or whatever, and are referred to as bi-metal coins). Such coins are thereby reduced in their INTRINSIC or COMMODITY VALUE to between 2%-4% of their FACE VALUE. The difference between the INTRINSIC/COMMODITY value and the FACE value of a coin is the amount that someone is PILFERING (stealing, aka: SEIGNORAGE), which amounts to about 95% of the value of the MONEY. Put another way, the perps of this SCHEME are stealing 95% of the labor that the coin represents! So a ‘100 dollar bill’ is worth about 4 cents, the rest of it being absconded with by the banks who ‘create’ the money! And ON TOP OF THAT they add INTEREST! They do all of that BY LAW. In other words, the government PROTECTS THEIR LAWLESSNESS! But under the original Congressional Act, this SCHEME is known as COUNTERFEITING. Corrupt governments (public officials, bureaucrats and lawyers) do this ROUTINELY as a part of their INSTITUTIONAL PUBLIC POLICY. The law be damned! Morality be damned! GOD BE DAMNED! They don’t care, because there’s so much to be gained as a BENEFICIARY of this evil, lawless scheme.

So, the APPEARANCE, or FACE VALUE of the coin, combined with the LAW that backs this evil scheme, amounts to FRAUD through EXPROPRIATION/SEIGNORAGE; whereas the reduction in value of the coin is THEFT. There you have your FRAUD + THEFT in MONEY, compared to COIN AND CURRENCY. Get it? Now, in fractional reserves, you combine THAT with the way their system works (‘creating money out of nothing!’), and you end up with a level of FRAUD + THEFT that boggles the mind! The key here is, Christians fully participate in this evil system, and do nothing to change it. In fact, nearly all of them have no idea about it! But WHY? Because they put their FULL TRUST in the GOVERNMENT! But what about GOD? Don’t they have FAITH IN GOD? Apparently not in this area of their life, eh?! And, these churchians fully support this evil system with their TAXES, and will, as jurors, condemn you if you go to court against the government for standing up for the truth. Here you have modern day Christians supporting the government that perpetrates one of the worst shakedowns in human history. Add to that those CHRISTIANS who KNOWINGLY and DELIBERATELY participate DIRECTLY in these evils day-in-and-day out FOR A LIVING. Just think about all the CHRISTIANS in high positions of GOVERNMENT and BANKING, and there you’ll see your  CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIANS living and operating.

Let’s take a moment and recognize that the above summary of the foundations of BUSINESS did not even mention the MORALLY CORRUPT PRACTICES of businessmen and corporations. And let’s not forget about GOVERNMENT. Governments are the BIGGEST ALL TIME MAFIA PROTECTION RACKETS known to man. They are MEGA MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEMES. Since the corruption is so extensive and prolific, I’ll leave that subject to another blog, if time permits. Suffice to say that LYING + STEALING (fraud + theft) are USUAL AND CUSTOMARY business practices today. “Like father, like son!” or like my mom used to say, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!”


This subject is a real doozie! In today’s America, SCIENCE is the god of the industrial-military complex. It’s the god of today’s corporate world. It’s the god of ALL MATERIAL LIFE in America today. And I have observed this god is a RAVAGING god. This god cares nothing about the well being of the people who serve it. This god cares nothing about the Creator God’s PROPERTY: “the heavens, earth and sea, and all that is in them”. Today’s industrial-military god only cares about the rich men who authored it, and the WAYS OF THE DEVIL. It is THE most destructive force in all the world, destroying ALL of God’s CREATION for it’s own EMPOWERMENT. And this god is nothing but an INERT HUMAN FICTION! Interestingly enough, this god has its own THEOLOGY. And it’s theology is based on HUMAN EFFORT + all kinds of GREED.

Over the course of my life, I’ve observed that there are two kinds of SCIENCE today in America:
1. Empirical, and
2. Pseudo.

Now, SCIENCE in and of itself is not bad. The thing that turns SCIENCE into something BAD is MORAL CORRUPTION in the people who USE it. MONEY and POLITICS are the FORMS of that corruption today. The CORRUPT kind of sciences is known as PSEUD SCIENCE. And PSEUD SCIENCE is the science god of the industrial-military nation. MONEY and POLITICS are the CORRUPTING FORCES in science. But we must recognize that MONEY and POLITICS are mere ideas apart from the PEOPLE who APPLY them to society. So we’re effectively talking about the PEOPLE OF SCIENCE and POLITICS, and the RESULTS and USE of this SCIENCE. It’s the PEOPLE who are CORRUPT, and who have CORRUPTED the substance of SCIENCE, as well as it’s applications and uses.

So, aside from PSEUDO SCIENCE being a forbidden IDOL under God’s law, we also need to look at THE DEVIL IN THE DETAILS. That’s a gigantic subject that needs exposure. But it’s too big to get into here. Do your own research in all the areas of life that are important to you, and you’ll see how corrupt the science is. Take for example pharmaceuticals, medicine, education, war, farming, prison, business and marketing, earning a living, etc. My contention here is, EMPIRICAL SCIENCE IS MORAL SCIENCE, whereas PSEUDO SCIENCE IS EVIL SCIENCE. CONSTANTINIAN Christians will have no problems participating in PSEUDO SCIENCE. But BIBLICAL Christians will NOT participate in Pseudo Science. Instead, they will adhere to the highest standards of EMPIRICAL SCIENCE. And they will use their scientific wisdom, knowledge and understanding to DO GOOD in the world, instead of using their scientific wisdom, knowledge and understanding to EXPLOIT the world for their own selves and sordid, destructive agendas.


Another example of BAD RELIGION can be found in a person’s RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY. In Christianity it’s called THEOLOGY. While studying ancient ‘Judaism’, I came to realize that they don’t have any THEOLOGY. Instead, they have what’s called HALAKHA (various spellings). Halakha is LAW. But in the world of Jewish RELIGION, it’s not considered LAW, but instead, it’s considered PIETY (that’s the Christian word for it). PIETY is HOW YOU LIVE. In other words, HALAKHA is the RULES YOU FOLLOW in your daily life (if you’re a Jew). But really, it SHOULD be NO DIFFERENT for Christians. In other words, Christian THEOLOGY should be equivalent to Jewish HALAKHA. After all, the first Christians were Jews! And all Christians and Jews SHOULD BE living the SAME lifestyle. The only real difference between them should be that Christians believe in Jesus as God’s Chosen Ruler (Messiah), whereas Jews believe that Jesus was a false prophet and sorcerer (a capital criminal, which is why they hung him up on the Roman cross)! In any case, Christian THEOLOGY is worlds apart from Jewish HALAKHA. They will NEVER bridge that gap, I promise!

Now let’s take a quick look at Christian THEOLOGY. Most importantly, you have to understand that THEOLOGY is ALL IN THE MIND. Really, it has almost NOTHING TO DO WITH REALITY. I’m convinced that’s where Christians ‘went off the rails’. This began as early as the 2nd century AD! You can read about it in Clement, Ignatius and Polycarp, the first CHURCH FATHERS (disciples of the Apostles). You have to compare their ‘teachings’ with those found in the OT & NT to see where they went off the rails. Then, after those days, THEOLOGY became a matter of FICTION and IMAGINATION. Various political forces were at work. Suffice to say that the Apostle Paul nails it in the NT. He considered 2nd Temple LAW to be based on the “vain imaginations” of LAWYERS and BUREAUCRATS.

But THEOLOGY takes that one step further. It DIVORCES itself from Christian LIVING and relegates Christian religion SOLELY to the realm of THE MIND. Is it any wonder there are so many DIVISIONS among Christians today world-wide? These divisions are called DENOMINATIONS. Slick word for a MAJOR SIN! Jesus said, THEY WILL KNOW YOU BY YOUR LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER. But the CHURCH LEADERS show their HATRED for other Christians by their SEPARATION from them. Just take a moment and consider all the different kinds of PROTESTANTS there are today in America. Then take a look at all the Major Christian Denominations in the world today. Get the picture?

Separating and warring against each other is the exact opposite of God’s will, which is UNITY IN THE SPIRIT! Moreover, God considers people who cause DIVISIONS among fellow believers an ABOMINATION (Proverbs 6). That’s as bad as it gets. And to think the heads of the various DENOMINATIONS insist on perpetuating their SCHISMS, ingraining it into the minds of their parishioners, and even creating NEW SCHISMS day-by-day, year-by-year, generation-by-generation, it’s mind boggling! Don’t they realize God’s going to DESTROY THEM for this on Judgment Day??

So, Christians BELIEVE IN their THEOLOGY. And every church in the world (except a few, of course!) operates on the basis of their THEOLOGY. But NONE OF THE CHURCHES acknowledge God’s LAW! In fact, they REPUDIATE IT IN THEIR THEOLOGY!! So, there you have your CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIANS. They are the ones who follow CHURCH DOGMA, aka: THEOLOGY. And when you get right down to it, isn’t CHURCH DOGMA a friend of the WICKED STATE? I won’t get into the systems of THEOLOGY or the various tenets of thought of the various denominations. There’s plenty of literature available for free on the Internet and in the churches for your reading pleasure. I’ll let you do your own reading and research on that.

Suffice to say, one of the MAIN reasons I left the church is THEOLOGY. I go SICK AND TIRED of the SPECULATION involved. They insisted on talking about things that NOBODY COULD PROVE WITH FACTUAL EVIDENCE! And if you couldn’t memorize all the nuances of a subject, besides the basic tenets, then you were STUPID! A perfect example is ESCHATOLOGY (future things). You tell me: WHO CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE? Yet, these fools thing they can figure out WHEN and HOW God’s going to ‘do’ the future. They read some texts in the Bible about the future, nearly all of which are WRITTEN IN SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE AND METAPHOR, and then they concoct a scenario of DEATH AND DESTRUCTION on that basis. But why do they do this? Because it’s HOW THEY EARN THE MONEY. Duh! Get it? And WHO can prove them wrong? Has anybody taken a trip into the future yet and come back and made a report? LOL! They do this with MANY other THEOLOGICAL subjects. But WHERE ARE THE FACTS? And WHERE IS REALITY in all this? Good question!

Now don’t get me wrong, NOBODY can prove the existence of God. That’s where a person’s FAITH comes into play. And as we saw in an earlier blog, when that faith turns into a TOTAL COMMITMENT to accept God, along with accepting the Bible as God’s Word, as God’s instructions to mankind, which entails a TOTAL COMMITMENT to obey God’s law, then that person has become a true Christian. So there you have your BIBLICAL CHRISTIAN in contrast to the CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIAN. The former FOLLOWS THE RELIGIOUS CROWD, whereas the latter THINKS AND ACTS FOR THEMSELVES BASED ON GOD’S LAW (which includes Christ’s teachings). You can sum it up in this nutshell: THEOLOGY vs. GOD’S LAW; MIND vs. MATTER; WORDS vs. ACTIONS; FANTASY vs. REALITY; CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIAN vs. BIBLICAL CHRISTIAN.


This one’s a real doozie! Let’s COMPARE Biblical RETIREMENT with modern American RETIREMENT. Biblical RETIREMENT is based on the 5th Commandment in Moses, “Honor your father and mother”. The point of that is TAKING CARE OF YOUR PARENTS WHEN THEY’RE TOO OLD TO EARN A LIVING. The way that typically worked, BEFORE Talmudic financier’s controlled the nations, was this: Working people stored-up piles of TANGIBLE WEALTH ASSETS during their working years, so they could live on those assets when they got old. The way those assets got used when they got old is they PASSED THEM ON TO THEIR CHILDREN. Then, THEIR CHILDREN took care of their material needs for the rest of their elderly lives. How did the children do that? They DEVELOPED those tangible wealth assets into greater assets, or else they just CASHED THEM IN for money used to take care of their parents. Either way, we’re talking FAMILY + TANGIBLE WEALTH ASSETS.

In modern America, there’s no such thing as TANGIBLE WEALTH ASSETS (unless you’re RICH, of course!). Why? Because ALL RETIREMENT IS VESTED IN FINANCIAL INVESTMENT SCHEMES. Even MONEY is a financial scheme! A quick HISTORICAL SURVEY of the process of CONVERTING America into a BANKER OWNED POPULATION starts with TANGIBLE WEALTH ASSETS. First the BANKS worked in unison with the GOVERNMENT to coerce all Americans to give up their TANGIBLE WEALTH CURRENCY, and REAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, and trade it for FIAT MONEY and REAL ESTATE. That little ditty took about 100 years to accomplish. Then, the CORPORATIONS worked in unison with the GOVERNMENT to get all the people working for CORPORATE RETIREMENT BENEFITS, and GOVERNMENT RETIREMENT BENEFITS. That was the GIANT LEAP away from TANGIBLE WEALTH ASSETS. The BANKS + CORPORATIONS + GOVERNMENT tricked and coerced the American people into giving up their TANGIBLE WEALTH ASSETS for FIAT MONEY SCHEMES which UNKNOWN PERSONS control.

The key to understanding the DETRIMENT of this new system of RETIREMENT GOVERNANCE is comparing the VALUE of TANGIBLE WEALTH ASSETS to FIAT MONEY INVESTMENTS. We discuss FIAT MONEY in another blog, and briefly mentioned it in this blog series. To summarize: FIAT MONEY HAS NO VALUE. There is NO ASSET inherent in FIAT MONEY. FIAT MONEY IS A DEBT. The entire system that FIAT MONEY operates with is based on DEBT. Don’t believe me? Read it for yourself from the New York Federal Reserve Bank:

… the Federal Reserve System works only with credit … (Keeping Our Money Healthy, NYFRB)

Without dispute, CREDIT = DEBT! MODERN FINANCIAL INVESTMENT SCHEMES ARE BUILT UPON FIAT MONEY SYSTEMS. But, TANGIBLE WEALTH ASSETS have TANGIBLE VALUE (which society determines through tradition and use). But the problem with FIAT MONEY INVESTMENT SCHEMES is, they’re based on an ACCOUNTING SCHEMES determined by people we not only do not know, but whose MORAL VALUES are EVIL. Jesus has a word for INVESTMENT SCHEMES: EVIL MAMMON. Paul calls them SORDID GAIN. The NT has nothing good to say about “the idle rich”, and issues STRICT WARNINGS to those who HORDE RICHES, because THEY are the source of all this evil:

For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil … (1 Timothy 6:10)

Moreover, in a fiat money system, HORDING WEALTH is mandatory, because it’s how the CONTROLLERS keep the MONEY from CRASHING (in value). Besides, MONEY really isn’t WEALTH, per se, but instead, it’s DEBT! Pretty nutty, huh? So, the VALUE of TANGIBLE WEALTH ASSETS is the OPPOSITE OF the value of FINANCIAL INVESTMENT SCHEMES. It’s a simple matter of ASSET vs. DEBT combined with FAMILY vs. BANKERS/GOVERNMENT. Which system sounds GOOD and which sounds BAD?

The other key to this SCAM is realizing that TANGIBLE WEALTH ASSETS are OWNED OUTRIGHT by the possessor of them, whereas FIAT MONEY INVESTMENTS are OWNED BY OTHERS and strictly PARTICIPATORY for the BENEFICIARY. In other words, YOU DO NOT OWN YOUR RETIREMENT FUND, you merely PARTICIPATE in ‘a piece of the action’ when your time rolls around to tap into it. In fact, you only use what they PERMIT you to use! And, the RULES CHANGE AT THEIR WHIM!

Back to the history of retirement. So, after a number of years along the process of getting American to BELIEVE IN the CORPORATE retirement scam, most RETIREMENT BENEFITS became CENTRALIZED UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTROL, while most corporate retirement benefits were PHASED OUT (= DISCONTINUED). Today’s main RETIREMENT BENEFIT is known as the “401K”. The 401K is a reference to a FEDERAL STATUTE. That statute governs the FUND/ I talk about the SORDID and LAWLESS basis of this Chapter of the U.S. Code in another blog (re: LAWLESS LAWS). The BAD thing about switching from CORPORATE INVESTMENTS to FEDERAL STATUTORY INVESTMENTS is the move from PRIVATELY controlled money pools to PUBLICLY controlled money pools. They’re called INSTITUTIONAL FUNDS. The way governments get control of those funds (which makes them INSTITUTIONAL) is by buying up a majority of STOCK in the CORPORATIONS that hold those assets. Pretty SNEAKY of them, eh? It was bad enough you had to trust the CORPORATION to fund and guarantee your retirement benefits. But it’s even worse now that government bureaucrats are in control of your RETIREMENT BENEFITS. And they TAX THEM to boot!

Effectively, these NEW AND IMPROVED investment schemes are nothing short of GAMBLING against the productivity of SOCIETY and the FINANCIAL SCHEMES of the CORPORATIONS (which have to do with how FIAT MONEY systems work). This evil scheme is a MEGA subject for another blog. But many good things have been publicized to date to expose its evils, so just do some reading or watch some videos on the Internet to see what I’m talking about. Anyways, at this point in this FINANCIAL SCAM, the American people not only LOST OWNERSHIP of their retirement ‘benefits’ (which means they lost CONTROL over the use of them), but they also LOST THE VALUE of them. HOW is that any different from SLAVERY?

When you own TANGIBLE WEALTH ASSETS, you KNOW what they’re worth, because everybody in society agrees on their value, and you can use them any time you want, any way you want, for whatever you want, and nobody can tell you anything about it! But when you are CHAINED to an INVESTMENT FUND, you are at the mercy of a lot of UNKNOWNS, especially the MANAGERS of those funds. Let me give you an example before I close this subject. Back around 2007, the 401K took a nose dive in value. Basically what happened is, the BIG BOYS (think GOVERNMENTS) manipulated the market in such a way that the 401K lost about 60% of it’s value. DID YOU GET THAT? Let me say it this way to be more pragmatic: Back around 2007, THE GOVERNMENT PLUNDERED THE 401K RETIREMENT BENEFITS OF ALL AMERICANS. The fact is, when YOUR 401K investment scheme lost value, SOMEONE ELSE GAINED THAT VALUE (they took it from you BY DECEITFUL SCHEMING, aka: FRAUD). Any ideas WHO got all that MONEY? Unfortunately, NOBODY in the news media pointed out that fact to the poor slobs who TRUSTED IN the 401K SCAM. Nor do we know today WHO the people are that ROBBED AMERICA with this INSTITUTIONAL HEIST!

Here’s some Bible verses that pretty much sum-up this whole matter of modern RETIREMENT BENEFITS built on INVESTMENT FUNDS:

… let God be found true, though every man be found a liar (Romans 3:4)

You shall not charge interest to your countrymen: interest on money, food, or anything that may be loaned at interest. (Deuteronomy 23:19)

Differing weights are an abomination to the Lord … (Proverbs 20:23)

If you take the time to pry into this matter of RETIREMENT FUNDS, you will find it to be in the TOP 3 of SHAKEDOWNS today in the United States of America. You will also find an ENORMOUS quantity of UNFUNDED RETIREMENTS in existence today. And these funds not only are NOT being funded, but they are being GAMBLED on the open market as DEBT RISKS (see DERIVATIVES)! To see this stuff for yourself, you have to pull your head out of your ‘smart phone’ and TV screen, QUIT TRUSTING THE EXPERTS, and start THINKING FOR YOURSELF. Get informed and TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR OWN RETIREMENT for a change. If you don’t, you will lose this REPUBLIC quicker than you can blink. It’s teetering on the edge of destruction as you read this!

One last word on RETIREMENT BENEFITS. What do you think God thinks about modern American RETIREMENT FUNDS? Do you think He APPROVES of them? What do you think of all the CHURCHES that sell these schemes to their parishioners for their DONATION DOLLARS? What do you think God thinks about the CHRISTIAN ministers who PARTICIPATE IN these evils? The answer to those questions are what this subject is all about, because one day EVERYBODY will answer to HIM for the deeds they did in this life. Geeez! All of that CONDEMNATION TALK, who can take it?! Let me tell you, if you don’t like what God thinks about all this, how in the world can you like what your BENEFACTORS think about YOU? Do you honestly believe they have YOUR well being in mind? LOL … don’t kid yourself!


There are MANY other areas of life in modern American society that provide examples which illustrate BAD RELIGION. I could go on FOREVER listing and explaining them, but that would make an endless blog, so I’ll spare you! Suffice to say that the above examples more than adequately illustrate my point about CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIAN LIVING vs. BIBLICAL CHRISTIAN LIVING. Constantinian Christians do not question the status quo (which violates God’s Law in every way imaginable!), while also participating in the status quo without ever thinking about it (like obedient slaves). But Biblical Christians follow the Bible’s mandates, and incrementally adapt their lives to the LAWS they find in the Bible as they learn them, until they arrive at a more or less full obedience to God’s law. Paul says it this way:

Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise (Ephesians 5:15)

And Peter, this way:

Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness (2 Peter 3:11)

And James, this way:

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. (James 1:27)

And the Hebrews letter, this way:

26 For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries. (Hebrews 10)

And Moses, this way:

Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine (Exodus 19:5)

And Jesus, this way:

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden (from oppressive government and commerce plundering), and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

16 And someone came to Him and said, “Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?” … “if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.” 18 Then he said to Him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “You shall not commit murder; You shall not commit adultery; You shall not steal; You shall not bear false witness; 19 Honor your father and mother; and You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 20 The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept; what am I still lacking?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” 22 But when the young man heard this statement, he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property. (Matthew 19) [Compare that with all the rich men of today’s world!]

The opposite is equally true for those who refuse to obey God, as we’ve seen in previous blogs.

So that’s my rendition of the difference between CONSTANTINIAN Christians and BIBLICAL Christians. I hope you have been able to visualize the difference between the two. And I also hope that you see there’s good reason to NOT be a CONSTANTINIAN Christian any longer. that is, IF that’s what you presently are. Believe me when I tell you that IT’S GOOD TO CHANGE …. at least in this way.

See you in the next blog!

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