Sunday vs. Sabbath

The idea for this blog came about while looking at the scriptures pertaining to the NEW MOON. I’m not going to discuss the New Moon in this blog. But I am going to point out to you a significant detrimental effect of the politically-instituted Sunday observance that has replaced the Biblically-commanded observance of the 7th day Sabbath. I briefly discussed Sabbath observance previously in a blog about Easter vs. Passover. If you read that blog you should have noticed the complex and convoluted politics that indirectly changed the commanded holy day observances by force of law.

My thesis for this blog is:


In other words, ‘observing’ Sunday has institutionalized Christian DISOBEDIENCE of God’s commandments. One thing I observed over the course of my lifetime is that social institutions in America (such as going to church on Sunday) are designed to lock people into certain social behavioral patterns while conversely preventing them from fulfilling their moral obligations as well as from receiving the blessings that come with obeying God. That is the point of this blog.

I’m sure the very first objection that Christian apologists will throw at this accusation is, GOD’S HOLY DAYS APPLY ONLY TO ISRAEL AND NOT TO THE CHURCH! There is certainly some truth in that statement. But it’s only a partial truth based on man-made theology. The Bible shows us that God gave His holy day observances to Israel through His mediator Moses. But we know from the first chapter of the Bible that Sabbath was instituted on THE LAST DAY OF CREATION, which occurred in human history well over a millennium before Israel came into existence. So, SABBATH CAME ABOUT LONG BEFOE ISRAEL DID.

We also know from both the Bible and ancient history that God’s covenants serve as the basis for having a relationship with God. We know that God established covenants with people long before Israel came into existence (Noah for example). We also know that Abraham, who lived long before Israel came into existence, obeyed God’s law as well as His direct orders (such as leaving his home country). Apparently God’s people obeyed God’s law long before Israel came into existence. That must mean that the people who lived before Israel’s existence knew God’s law in some form other than the Mosaic covenant (the Rechabites for example). There is some good evidence for SABBATH BEFORE ISRAEL, but I’m not going to get into the polemics of it in this blog. Far as I’ve found in my studies, GOD’S MORAL LAW WAS, IS AND WILL BE THE SAME FOR ALL GENERATIONS OF HUMANITY. And that includes Sabbath observance.

Lately I’ve been reading about American colonial religion. One thing that has become clear to me is that founding era colonial religion was CHRISTIANITY alone, and no other religion. Another reality I discovered is that the colonial Christians were controlled by COMMERCE and the WAR STATE, which they inherited from their mother countries overseas. There is no disputing the fact that colonial Christianity was different from ‘old world’ Christianity in that it focused primarily on the personal experience of ‘salvation’ instead of faithful adherence to state-instituted ritual church attendance.

Although these topics are for another blog, they do serve as a good foundation for understanding why American Christianity was and is different from its predecessors. They also help to show that American colonial Christianity was out of compliance with Apostolic Christianity. Another obvious historical fact is that American Christianity spread its half-baked gospel message utilizing well-organized EVANGELISTIC schemes. Over the course of generations they spread their half-baked gospel throughout the colonies as well as around the globe. So essentially, American Christianity is a work of the flesh, to quote their apologists. The result was and is, as can be seen today, a new kind of state establishment of religion that serves the Satanic military-industrial complex at the expense of obeying God’s MORAL LAW. One example of that is THE SOCIAL INSTITUTION OF SUNDAY CHURCH instead of family-based Sabbath observance.

The resultant Christianity consists of brainwashed leaders who do not pay any attention to God’s law found in the Old Testament, along with a perverted interpretation of the commandments found in the NT. The detriments of disobeying God’s law would be evident to these Christians only if they obeyed God’s law. But since they do not obey God’s law, they can’t see the contrast. The downside of their ignorance and disobedience results in no substantial difference between practicing Christians and decent non-Christians.

Another downside to this type of Christianity is the brainwashing that happens to people like this. Such Christians fail to perceive the gradual and imperceptible changes that anti-Christian social engineers perpetrate upon their minds and lives using the police state bureaucracy, which incidentally, the Christians compliantly built with their money and labor. Unfortunately for them, all of this social engineering goes on behind the scenes, far out of view of most people.

And because the brainwashed Christians have grown accustomed to the decadent state of the society in which they live, and since they don’t know how life would be for them if they were obeying God’s law as a society, they will never be able to see how they have been co-opted into serving the Satanic industrial war state. And since they are therefore blind to the STANDARD that God established for human social order, these Christians also willingly and voluntarily accepting the gradual transition of society as an increasingly greater perpetrator of evil. Suffice to say that American Christianity got off on the wrong foot during the colonial era, and have developed along those lines ever since into what we see today.

One example of American Christianity’s refusal to obey the Sabbath commandment is their obstinate refusal to set-aside a day for REST. They don’t even realize that Sunday is a counterfeit ‘day of rest’, because they have been brainwashed by theological dogmas about Sunday being a commemoration of Jesus’ resurrection (raised-up the 8th Day). Part of that idea is linking Sunday to Easter, which makes no sense at all according to the scriptures. But we know that Easter came into existence based on pagan rituals, so it really has nothing to do with Jesus and his resurrection. And since the Satan STATE regulates all American NON-PROFIT churches and para-church organizations, the sum-total of American Christianity is essentially controlled by the state’s taxing authority. So throughout the history of American Christianity, the churches have gradually arrived at a position of full allegiance to and institutionalized embrace of the commerce war state, instead of purifying their allegiance to God through faithful obedience to His laws, such as God’s Holy Day observances.

Another example of the detriments of their Sunday church practice is the Christian’s ignorance of the Sabbath’s significance to God’s annual calendar. Leviticus 23 points out that Sabbath is the KEY to all of the other holy day observances (“appointed times”). God’s appointed times include Sabbath observance, the 7 Holy Day events, New Moons, and the various other obligatory ‘holy convocations’. To reiterate, these were all given to Israel. But since we know that God designed them to PROCLAIM CHRIST, they are fully relevant to Christians today according to their own theological dogmas.

But since American Christians have all but ignored them, they are entirely unable to explain the CHRISTIAN meaning of them. In other words, they can’t SEE JESUS in the holy day observances, even though that’s precisely what the Apostles knew and taught throughout the world. Instead, today’s Christians see only ISRAEL when they read God’s law, which they claim doesn’t apply to them. I won’t dispute the fact that the LAWS OF ISRAEL don’t apply to the Gentile nations. America’s adopting the LAWS OF ISRAEL would be equivalent to America adopting Chinese or Saudi laws and the associated social processes. Think about how your life would change in that scenario. Although I agree that the laws of Israel don’t apply to America, I will dispute the false notion that the laws that GOD GAVE to Israel (God’s law) are not relevant to Gentile nations. I discussed this at length in previous blogs, although I admit that I need to discuss it further on a per-law basis.

Another example of refusal to obey God’s ‘appointed times’ is Christianity’s refusal to observe the New Moons. Apparently ‘the word of the LORD’ came to the prophets on the New Moons. Why that is, I don’t know. But I have to ask the question, IF Christians obeyed God’s law, including the New Moons, do you think that they would they find themselves receiving ‘prophetic words’ from God during those times? I suppose we’ll never know, considering the current state of Christianity! And let’s not forget that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are designed to function within God’s Sabbath day holy convocation (‘during church’). Imagine not having to pay a doctor for drugs when someone with the gift of healing in your church can ‘cure’ you? So one has to wonder what other blessings modern churchianity is missing out on because of their ignorance and disobedience!

Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained,
But happy is he who keeps the law. (Proverbs 29:18)

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge… (Hosea 4:6)

There are many other down-sides to disobeying God’s law, including ignoring His commanded holy day observances. I’ll leave it up to you to discover some of the other blessings that come to you from obeying them, since this blog has provided enough food for thought to get you started thinking about this.

Meanwhile, let us be vigilant to not fall for the lies and propaganda that Satan’s state-instituted Christian religion has been foisting upon the minds and lives of the naïve, foolish and emotion-led for the past 200+ years here in America. Let’s ‘take the bull by the horns’ and break free from the fetters of disobedience to God’s law, and begin learning what it is and then setting out on our own journey of obeying Him. After all, according the theologians, Jesus obeyed God’s law perfectly. So, if we want to be like Jesus, shouldn’t we also?

That ends my rendition of SUNDAY vs. SABBATH (or COMMERCE vs. CHRIST). Thanks for stopping by and reading this expose on American Christianity, the bad and the good. See you in the next blog!


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