Recently someone sent me a link to an article on BoredPanda. It was a PROPAGANDA piece promoting HOMOSEXUALITY and debasing Christian anti-homosexual MORALITY. Since I thought it was a LIE, I decided to leave a brief comment from a Biblical perspective. When I went back later on to see if they posted my comment, I discovered that they CENSORED me with this statement,

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These are the Biblical FACTS relative to the above BoredPanda article:

  1. ARSENOKOITHS is a GREEK word.
  2. LSJ (the authoritative Greek Lexicon of all known ancient Greek words) defines ARSENOKOITHS as SODOMY, and references 1 Corinthians 6.9 & AP 9.686 (Anthologia Graece = Greek Anthology). It gives no other definition. The alternative spelling of the Greek word is ARRENOKOITHS.
  3. ARSENOKOITHS can also be defined as PEDERASTY (men screwing boys = male pedophilia). The word occurs 2X in the New Testament’s Greek text, once in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and once in 1 Timothy 1:10. There are no other occurrences of it or its derivatives in the NT.
  4. Paul’s use of the word in both cases is most likely PEDERASTY, just like the BoredPanda article says. To verify this, one needs to THINK LIKE A 2nd Temple Jew and find the LEGAL TERM that would be translated FROM HEBREW/ARAMAIC into this Greek word. This is not a simple task. It takes special scholastic skills that most people don’t possess, which points to the ABSURDITY of this BoredPanda statement.
  5. There is no such a word as ARSENOKOITHS in the Old Testament, because the OT text is HEBREW, not Greek.
  6. However, the OT was translated into Greek (aka, the LXX) in ancient times, but this Greek word does NOT occur in the LXX. So the article is WRONG, it’s a JOKE.
  7. Instead, the BoredPanda article CONFLATES the NT Greek WORD with the OT Hebrew TEXT of Leviticus 18:22. The Hebrew word is not “young boys” but “MALE” (vs. “FEMALE”), which is a reference to ‘gender’ with respect to SEXUAL ACTS. In other words, that OT verse is PROHIBITING males having sex with males (age not specified).
  8. Conflating like this for the purpose of DISSEMBLING is a PROPAGANDA tactic used by Alinsky, Bernays and Geobbels. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THIS PSYCHOBABBLE. The purpose of this type of propaganda is to DEMORALIZE American society from its Christian MORAL roots. It’s called the ERROR OF BALAAM in the NT or IDOLATRY (which is THE WORST crime of all!).
  9. Likewise, the OT Hebrew text of Leviticus 20:13 consecutively uses the HEBREW words ISH (man), ZCR (male) and ISHAH (woman). The point is (a) a MAN “lying with” a WOMAN, ISH/ISHAH = a SEXUAL ACT, and (b) the word MALE is used to indicate that a SEXUAL ACT between a MAN and ANY OTHER HUMAN MALE is prohibited. That includes SODOMY, PEDERASTY, or whatever.
  10. Likewise, take a look at the clear meaning of Leviticus 20:13 in Hebrew: If a MAN has sex with a MALE (‘YOUNG MAN’ is a different Hebrew word), as he would with a WOMAN, it’s an ABOMINATION (unforgivable sexual act), they shall be PUT TO DEATH (capital crime), and their BLOOD (death) is upon their own head (they bear full responsibility).
  11. Note: The HEBREW language is a language of IMAGERY and SOCIAL EMOTION. The PICTURE that those words paint in Leviticus are typical Hebrew ‘method’. There is NO WAY you can correlate the way Hebrew communicates with the way Greek or English communicate. How do I know? B/c I lived in Israel and learned the Hebrew language. And the fact is, modern Hebrew is closer to ancient Hebrew than modern English is to King James Bible English.
  12. In Romans 1:26-27 the Apostle Paul makes this clear and concise statement about SEXUAL CRIMES:

For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

  1. The above statement is LEGAL LANGUAGE written by a powerful HEBREW SPEAKING BUREAUCRAT using the GREEK LANGUAGE. It takes a whole lotta high level learning to INTERPRET the nuances of meaning in that statement. However, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know what it means when read by the average English speaking person. But let me say it in case you aren’t getting it:
  2. The Apostle Paul is ON A RANT in the context of his statement. He’s CONDEMNING ALL HOMOSEXUAL ACTS, WHETHER MALE OR FEMALE. Remember: Acts begin with INTENTIONS, so you can’t say a person can have homosexual ‘orientation’ without also saying they are definitely HOMOSEXUAL. Jesus said as much in Matthew chapter 5ff.


No more LIES and PROPAGANDA about homosexuals. No more Alinsky/Bernays/Goebbels propaganda for demoralizing American society. It’s time for the foolish among us to come to their senses before it’s too late.

And for those Jews who ‘chimed in’ agreeing with homosexuality: SHAME ON YOU! Yom Kippur just passed and you’re supposed to be MOURNING SOCIAL EVILS like HOMOSEXUALITY, and ERADICATING THEM out of the society IN WHICH YOU LIVE (even in the DIASPORA!). But here you are PROMOTING such evils. FOR SHAME! I’m sure the Sages would tell you, “there will be no place for you in the age to come”. Jesus is a bit more harsh. He’d tell you that if you don’t REPENT, you will PERISH in eternal hell fire. And don’t forget that JESUS WAS A JEW.

It’s really THAT simple.

BoredPanda: “Oops, your score reached the lowest possible level. You won’t be able to comment temporarily.”

See you in the next blog!

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