Constantinian Christians

In this blog I’m going to talk about the CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIAN. Ever hear of it? First time I heard the term was from an Israeli who was a long-time believer in Y’shuah (Jesus). He also had a term for modern Jews (post Yavneh). He called them BABYLONIAN JEWS. When you get right down to it, there’s really not much difference between the two, because they both are based on SYNCRETISM with BABYLONIAN VALUES.

So, you may be wondering, what in the world is a CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIAN? Simple: ANY church person (‘churchian’) or nominal ‘Christian’ who follows the social norms for Christian religion SINCE THE DAYS OF EMPEROR CONSTANTINE (4th century AD). Mind you, there ARE exceptions to that rule. But effectively we’re talking about ALL Christians today, ESPECIALLY Western Catholic and Protestant Christians. I’m using the term CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIAN in a DEROGATORY SENSE here. In other words, I’m saying that I believe CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIANS are really not ‘Christian’, at least not according to the Net Testament’s requirements.

Another way to say that is this: I wonder how God will judge CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIANS on Judgment Day? Do you think He’ll consider them His ‘CHOSEN PEOPLE’? Do you think He will CONDEMN them for SERVING IDOLS? Or do you think He’ll “look on the heart” to see what their intentions were, and then look to see how much TRUTH they were exposed to? Beats me! But I’m sure we’re going to find out one day!

Now you may be wondering, what’s so BAD about being a CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIAN? Good question! It all boils down to what I said above: SYNCRETISM. You see, during the days of Constantine’s rule, Christian persecution within the Roman empire was prohibited. But before that, the Christians were persecuted TO DEATH. Many suffered LEGAL PROCEEDINGS + TORTURE. It happened when Rome sent out bureaucrats to INSPECT people who had COMPLAINTS FILED against them for not WORSHIPING THE EMPEROR. I find it interesting that the JEWS escaped this persecution, because Rome recognized them as SPECIAL even though they refused to BOW DOWN to the Roman IDOL. During these times, MANY IF NOT MOST of the Christians RECANTED and became just plain Roman citizens who BOWED DOWN to the Emperor Idol and anything else the state required. Is it any different today in America? What about around the world in other ‘Christian nations’? Nope!

Eventually the people who became UN-Christian just lived like everybody else, abandoning their OBEDIENCE TO THE BIBLICAL LAWS. After a while, Constantine sized power and abolished persecution of Christians. In fact he INSTITUTIONALIZED Christianity UNDER STATE PROTECTION. He had a policy like that of Darius and other monarchs: RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE. But in so doing, he didn’t institutionalize Christianity under BIBLICAL REQUIREMENTS. No. He institutionalized Christianity under ROMAN LAW. And Roman law was … well … it wasn’t Biblical, that is to say, it wasn’t “Christian”. Rome didn’t acknowledge GOD’S LAW in their legislation or in their courts. They acknowledged whatever PROTECTED COMMERCE AND MILITARY POWER. Their people followed state sanctioned holidays. They paid taxes to support the state’s powers. They did everything the state required, BY FOLLOWING THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. So NATURALLY, Christianity was not truly “Christian” under Constantine. Do your own reading to see how Roman Constantinian Christians LIVED. That’ll give you an idea of WHO they truly were. Like the Apostle John says: “and they were judged according to their DEEDS” (Revelation 20:13).

The thing that made the institutionalization of Christianity under Constantine BAD is that, BY LAW, it was lumped together with all other religions within the Roman Empire, under a thing known as RELIGIOUS TOLERATION. That’s happening today in America. NON-Christian religions are gaining POLITICAL POWER by taking control of the LEGISLATURE, and also through devious POLITICAL INSURGENCY in both the government administrative apparatus and in the public forum where the MEDIA and NEWS reach the minds of the masses. When this happens in any nation, it’s not good for the ORIGINAL PEOPLE of that nation, because they become ‘LEVELED’ with the FOREIGNERS who flood the nation with their DIFFERENT CUSTOMS. When the LAW requires the ORIGINAL PEOPLE of a nation to acknowledge and LIVE WITH the practices of FOREIGNERS, that nation looses it’s IDENTITY. That’s what happened to Christians back in ancient Rome, and it’s happened in America today. You can BET this is not an accident either. It’s designed, planned and implemented by people who want to DIVIDE the nation INTERNALLY so they can CONTROL it and make it subordinate to THEIR ‘WILL’. Eventually, Rome IMPLODED from it. You might call ancient Rome an ancient INDUSTRIAL-MILITARY COMPLEX, just like America is today.

On the other hand, the ONLY class of ‘religious’ people afforded SPECIAL PROTECTIONS were THE JEWS. Sound familiar? One has to wonder HOW they acquired SPECIAL STATUS as CITIZENS? Or maybe they weren’t citizens? In any case, Rome EXEMPTED them from violating their JEWISH LEGAL TRADITIONS, meaning they didn’t have to obey Roman laws, even though Rome REQUIRED the ‘Christians’ to obey Roman laws. But weren’t most of the original Christians JEWS? Yup. Doesn’t make sense that some Jews were exempt but others were not. Kind’a crazy, eh? We call that a DOUBLE STANDARD here in America, where the nation was founded on the principle of EQUAL APPLICATION OF THE LAW TO EVERYBODY.

In any case, Constantine was an IDOLATER. He didn’t care one bit about who Jesus was or what God required of people in His LAW. He was interested in only one thing: The POWER that MONEY AND MILITARY bring. And don’t forget about what his MOTHER was into! She was quite the power broker and Mother of Idolatry! In fact, Constantine permitted IDOLATRY throughout his empire. Moreover, the Jews were the people who controlled COMMERCE. And COMMERCE was where the empire got all it’s money, just like today. And the thing that controlled everybody and every thing was THE MONEY. Whoever controlled the MONEY controlled everything and everybody! And who do you suppose controlled the MONEY? The MERCHANTS, of course! It was the Merchant Jews who controlled the COMMERCE CENTERS and who were some of the most prominent persons in the Roman cities and provinces (albeit, behind the scenes). And just like today, it was the same back in ancient Rome: The Merchant Jews used their money to INFLUENCE politics so they could ‘have their will be done’, through CONTROLLING law-making and law enforcement (bribery, threats of social unrest and violence, debased currency, etc., all the same methods used today). It was a very sophisticated system of PROTECTIONISM (just like it is today in America).

In contrast to Constantinian Christians, there were small groups of Christians who didn’t follow Roman Christianity. They were the people who followed THE BIBLE’S REQUIREMENTS for Christians. And one thing’s for sure: The Jews HATED that kind of Christian. In fact, as we see in the NT book of Acts, “the Jews” all around the then known world constantly antagonized and persecuted the Apostle Paul by controlling the masses and the public officials, getting them to use law enforcement against the Apostles. You can bet that nothing’s changed today. The only difference is in the technology and outward appearances of things. Like my old man used to say: S.O.S. (don’t ask me what that means if you don’t already know!). Here’s a few examples of what I’m talking about:

23 When many days had elapsed, the Jews plotted together to do away with him [the Apostle Paul], 24 but their plot became known to Saul [the Apostle Paul]. … 28 And he [the Apostle Paul] was with them, moving about freely in Jerusalem, speaking out boldly in the name of the Lord. 29 And he was talking and arguing with the Hellenistic Jews; but they were attempting to put him to death. (Acts 9)

Herod the king laid hands on some who belonged to the church in order to mistreat them. 2 And he had James the brother of John put to death with a sword. 3 When he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter also. (Acts 12)

1 In Iconium they entered the synagogue of the Jews together, and spoke in such a manner that a large number of people believed, both of Jews and of Greeks. 2 But the Jews who disbelieved stirred up the minds of the Gentiles and embittered them against the brethren. … 4 But the people of the city were divided; and some sided with the Jews, and some with the apostles. 5 And when an attempt was made by both the Gentiles and the Jews with their rulers, to mistreat and to stone them, 6 they became aware of it and fled to the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra and Derbe, and the surrounding region … 19 But Jews came from Antioch and Iconium, and having won over the crowds, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead. (Acts 14)

44 The next Sabbath nearly the whole city assembled to hear the word of the Lord. 45 But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began contradicting the things spoken by Paul, and were blaspheming … 50 But the Jews incited the devout women of prominence and the leading men of the city, and instigated a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of their district. (Acts 13)

5 But the Jews, becoming jealous and taking along some wicked men from the market place, formed a mob and set the city in an uproar; and attacking the house of Jason, they were seeking to bring them out to the people. … 13 But when the Jews of Thessalonica found out that the word of God had been proclaimed by Paul in Berea also, they came there as well, agitating and stirring up the crowds. (Acts 17)

Sounds a lot like ANTIFA today, eh? Ever research who’s MONEY is FUNDING Antifa? Ever find out who CREATED that political insurgency? You may wanna find out. I’m sure you’ll be intrigued! You can find many more sayings like the above in the NT. One has to wonder how THE JEWS were so powerful ALL AROUND THE THEN KNOWN WORLD?! Remember that we discussed in a previous blog “the synagogue of the freedmen”? Maybe that had something to do with all this trouble?

The bottom line here is, a modern day CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIAN is effectively an IDOLATER. Anybody who knows anything about being a conscientious Christian (or Jew), KNOWS that IDOLATRY IS AN ‘UNPARDONABLE SIN’ in the Bible. If you’re still ‘not seeing it’, let me say it another way: PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW THE STATE’S MANDATES CAN’T BE TRUE CHRISTIANS. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? You read that right. But HOW can you say THAT?! Simple: The STATE pays ZERO allegiance to God and His laws. They also pay ZERO allegiance to Jesus Christ. In fact, the state officials are EMBARRASSED when you say those Names in their presence in the public forums where they make their living! I’ve seen it multiple times. One has to wonder why?? One place you can see their DISDAIN for God, God’s Son and God’s laws is IN THE COURTS. Same with the LEGISLATURE and their LAWS. Same with the ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS. Same with the MILITARY. Same with EVERYTHING THE STATE DOES, ESPECIALLY BANKING AND FINANCE. ‘Them’s the facts’, not my opinion.

But how is that possible? Simple: THEY FOLLOW COMMERCE INSTEAD OF COMMON LAW. I talked about this in previous blogs. I said that another way in one of those blogs. I called it SERVING MONEY INSTEAD OF MORALITY. And what is MORALITY based on? God’s Law. To summarize: Here in America, the COMMON LAW is based on social norms, which are created by the masses of the people following GOD’S LAW over the course of time. In that way they develop their social institutions, such as marriage, family, coin and currency, education, ‘the trades’, ‘business’, public service, utilities, etc.

One example of a common law vs. commerce is seen in how people EARN THEIR LIVING. God prohibits charging interest in every way. But nearly all the rich people of this world today got rich that way. Merrill Jenkins called it “FREE MONEY”, and the federal Congressmen called them “the idle rich”. Get the picture? All banking and finance is, BY LAW, based on charging interest. Another example is MARRIAGE. Today all kinds of ‘marriage’ is ‘approved’ by the state under their MARRIAGE LICENSE, all but one of which God’s law strictly prohibits. But originally American licensed marriages were entered into only when a freeman married a slave (or other such non-citizen in good standing), and that was due to preserve real property rights. There are many more examples of the evil effects which COMMERCE has perpetrated upon society, as seen in the state’s laws and law enforcement today, resulting in perversion of social norms, oppression of the masses, etc.

Another salient fact is, COMMERCE is based on TALMUDIC MONEY LENDING APPLIED TO GENTILE (non-Jewish) SOCIETIES, as enforced by the state. There’s the JEW again! In other words, COMMERCE ORIGINATES WITH THE JEWS. But for Christians, COMMERCE is prohibited. Jesus put it this way:

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve GOD and MAMMON” (Matthew 6:24 – emphasis added).

As we saw in another blog, MAMMON = any kind of ILL-GOTTEN GAIN. God considers ALL COMMERCE GAIN to be ILL GOTTEN. The reason is found in contrasting the MEANS AND METHODS used by COMMERCE with the MEANS AND METHODS used at the COMMON LAW. CHARGING INTEREST is just one example of ILL GOTTEN GAIN. Wrongful law suits is another. Military conquest for the purpose of plundering natural resources is another. The list is ENDLESS! The Apostles call this “all unrighteousness” and “lawlessness”.

By the way, don’t be fooled by modern GOVERNMENT’S definition of “common law” in America. They identify “common law” with JUDICIAL PRECEDENT (LEGAL PRECEDENT). Judicial precedent is also known as STARE DECISIS. But if you follow the history of LEGAL PRECEDENT for any of your God-given rights in America, you will clearly see that the courts REVERSED THE TRUTH over the course of the past 200 years USING STARE DECISIS. The fact is, stare decisis is the government’s POLITICAL WEAPON which they use to ENSLAVE and PLUNDER you. It’s no different from the judicial and legal practices that went on during Jesus’ time. That’s why he CONDEMNED the public officials and legal people (see Matthew 23, for example). Remember I blogged about that previously? He condemned them because they CHANGED God’s law and MISAPPLIED IT to the masses for the sake of their own INGRATIATION, ENRICHMENT AND EMPOWERMENT (at the EXPENSE OF the masses health and well-being, and at the EXPENSE OF the social institutions). Starting the get the picture? I really didn’t want to rehash all this, but just in case you didn’t read my previous blogs, I summarized it again here.

In light of all those facts, one has to wonder if ancient Roman politics happened in a way that’s similar to today? Suffice to say that if you consider yourself a CHRISTIAN, yet you don’t obey God’s law, BECAUSE you’re obeying THE STATE, you can pretty much consider yourself a CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIAN. That’s my opinion on the matter based on the above reasoning.

Don’t worry, because I’m not JUDGING you if you’re one of them. I’m just saying, that’s what I found in my readings of the Bible and history. And don’t be fooled if you’re an EVANGELICAL Christian. ALL your “evangelical doctrines” (theology) originated with Martin Luther, NOT Jesus, and definitely NOT the NT. The fact is, Luther was a DEVOUT CATHOLIC. He began his career as a CATHOLIC LAWYER, and then switched gears and became a CATHOLIC MONK. He was POLITICALLY-CONNECTED at the highest levels too.

I promise you, that your MODERN VERSION of the “Evangelical gospel” is a perversion of Luther’s “gospel”, which is a perversion of the CATHOLIC CHURCH’S (= Rome’s!) “gospel”, which is a perversion of the NT “gospel” (= a perversion of Jesus’ and Paul’s gospel, which are the same). As I discussed in a previous blog, the modern CHURCHIAN “gospel” is a HALF-BAKED “gospel” compared to the NT version of the TRUE “gospel”. If you read that blog, you’ll remember the NT “gospel” has to do with God’s RULE in God’s KINGDOM using God’s LAW in today’s world. Remember: God’s kingdom on earth today is YOUR PERSONAL LIFE (which includes your family and ‘business’ if you are not an ’employee’ somewhere and are not ‘incorporated’). So if you’re not obeying God’s law, then you ain’t under God’s rule, which means you’re not living in God’s kingdom. So don’t be a ‘high and mighty’ Evangelical thinking “I’m IN because Jesus died for my sins”, and thereby condemn what I’m saying. Instead, THINK ABOUT IT in terms of THE FACTS. And go read my other blogs about COVENANT!

So IF you’re a CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIAN, then maybe now’s the time for you to “REPENT” and become a TRUE CHRISTIAN (by obeying God’s law)? Now that you’ve read what appears to be the truth, what are you going to do about it? Ignore it? Dig into it further? Begin learning God’s law and obeying it? It’s your choice!

Next blog I’ll set up a comparison between TRUE (Biblical) Christians and CONSTANTINIAN Christians BY HOW THEY LIVE. See you there!


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